Kings Fine Foods

Platinum Caviar

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Platinum (Gueldenstaedtii X Baerii) – Country of Origin: Belgium

The shade of the egg can vary, which is quite natural from a darker to a lighter tone.

Platinum Caviar is hybrid caviar of the Oscietra and Siberian Sturgeons (Gueldenstaedtii X Baerii). Platinum has a more intense flavour than Oscietra alone.

This is a great entry level caviar and incredibly popular.

Profile: It has a fresh, intense ripeness with top notes and an undertone of almond oil and rich tannins.

What to Drink with Caviar
Champagne (chilled), Vodka (chilled), Dry White Wine (chilled)

What to Eat with Caviar
Caviar has a delicate flavour and should be served with accompaniments that don’t overwhelm its flavour (if with anything at all).

Traditional garnishes include small slices of toast, blinis, unsalted crackers, Crème Fraiche or sour cream. Quails eggs also go well with caviar

If you are serving caviar by itself, we would recommend 30-50g per person as a guide. If you are serving the caviar on canapés we suggest 3-5g per canapé