Homarus gammarus

Live Lobster

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A real feast! - we may see bigger, get in touch if you want a real whopper!

Lobster Season is coming to a close! Fewer lobsters means higher prices, and we're starting to see the slow climb to the silly-highs of late Autumn and winter. We will still have lobsters available, but because fewer are being caught we start to see less availability. Pre-ordering is highly recommended if you want a specific size or a large number of lobsters

We've become pretty famous for our lobsters, especially after being featured in BBC2's 'Cornwall - This Fishing Life' (Series 1 Episode 4 if you're interested in watching)

Over the last 9 years we have built up the most amazing, unique relationship with fisherman Andrew Stevens and we're very proud to have his lobsters in our shop. Andrew fishes out of Newlyn, placing his pots around the coast and, working in his own, hauls, packs and sends them up to Camberley for our customers to enjoy

When buying live lobsters we recommend you cook on the day of collection

Throughout the late autumn and into winter, native lobsters are harder to come by. Once the 'season' has ended and demand starts to outstrip supply, usually around late September, lobster prices start to increase rapidly with peak prices from November through to February. The 'market price' of lobsters will be monitored daily and will be reflected in the prices both online and in the shop. As the seasons move on and the lobsters start to show again, the season begins in earnest around May

Always chill your lobster prior to cooking. At super-low temperatures lobsters go into a natural hibernative state, which is a much more humane way of despatching them. Wrap the lobster in a damp tea towel and place into your freezer. Leave for up to an hour - this will not kill the lobster but chill it right down ready for cooking.

Have an extra large pot full of rapidly boiling water ready - there's no need to add salt or any additional ingredients. Drop the lobster straight into the pot, close the lid and cook for around 12 minutes for a 5-600g lobster / 14 mins for a 7-800g and 16 mins for up to the kilo.

It is really important that you chill them immediately after cooking if you plan to eat them cold. Have a large bowl full of iced water and when you take the lobster out of the pot, plunge into the ice bath which will cool the lobster quickly. This will ensure that the cooking process stops and your lobster doesn't become tough.