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As Vice President for the National Federation of Fishmongers (sorry, did I not mention that little nugget before!), I've been getting a lot more involved in the wider industry and the NFF are members of the Shellfish Association of Great Britain. As an industry, they are really keen to showcase the fabulousness of Mussels, and we wholeheartedly agree. Our Porthilly Mussels are exceptional, and even though summer-time isn't traditionally the best time for mussels, the Porthilly haul are really, really good. Plump and juicy, we do recommend that you cook on the day you buy them as they don't particularly like an overnight in the fridge, but they are very robust for the time of year and there are so many health benefits from indulging in mussels all year round.
Hello to you all and thank you so much for your feedback on these little updates. I'm so pleased you're enjoying them, and I really appreciate you letting me know they are well received, if not as regular as you would like.
I have to say, although most days lately have turned out to be 'ok', I think I'm correct in saying that we'd all like to see a little more stability with the weather! You could be forgiven for thinking that #TeamFish are having an easier time of it, with less kebabbing going on... but no, we're all still working as hard as ever to fulfil your requests for our barbecue-able goodies. On Linkedin this week I saw the most amazing automated kebab machine, so if I get too many complaints from the team, I may threaten to invest in an all-singing-all-dancing super-skewerer, although goodness only knows where I'd locate it, it was huge, but very impressive.
Our fishermen (and ladies), continue to do a sterling job and we're seeing the most spectacular fish for mid-summer. Andrew's lobsters are, as always, one of the most popular species throughout the summer months, and he's had some really good landings this week. And Jim has been bringing in lots of his Selsey, rod-and-line-caught wild seabass. They're like silver bars and truly stunning, just out the water. We should see good availability for the rest of this week, and they are all a 'nice size' for 2-3 people.
We're absolutely thrilled that you're all enjoying our summer barbecue selection. Our kebabs continue to be the most popular products when the sun is shining, and as always, we love to hear how utterly delicious and easy they are to cook. It really has been a fabulously busy 'record-breaking' few weeks at The Fish Shop and #TeamFish have been working their socks off to keep up with demand. We've brought in a few extra helpers in to see us through the busy summer, so you'll notice a few new faces when you visit, and hopefully it'll help us to keep those queues down.
We're also seeing lots of spectaculr fish and shellfish and as we head towards the start of July, Turbot and Lobsters appear to be in abundance, which also means that we're seeing some great prices. Look out for these in store if you want a truly indulgent treat... they really are special at this time of year
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