Fresh Fish

Our wild caught British fish is sourced from around the UK coast. Predominantly from Newlyn and Brixham, we buy the best of the day's landings. The quality is always outstanding, and with the exception of our Sashimi Grade Tuna*, ALL our fish freezes really well, but everything you buy from us will keep perfectly in your fridge for 2 full days.

Although we specialise in wild caught British Fish, we do have some farmed fish available. Again, we focus on quality and you will find our WesterRoss Salmon, Chalkstream Trout and Large Seabass and Gilt Head Bream are fabulous additions to our counters

*All wild fish, by law, has to go through a freezing process to ensure that it is safe to eat uncooked. Our sashimi grade tuna is 'superfrozen' on vessel to -60'c and therefore should not be frozen at home/

Wild Bass Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Dicentrarchus labrax

Wild Bass
Dover Sole Prices start from: £20.00
Solea solea

Dover Sole
Lemon Sole Prices start from: £20.00
Microstomus kit

Lemon Sole
John Dory Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Zeus faber

John Dory
Brill Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Scophthalmus rhombus

Turbot Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Scophthalmus maxims

Red Mullet Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Mullus surmelutus

Red Mullet
Gilt Head Bream (Farmed) Prices start from: £11.00
Sparus aurata

Gilt Head Bream (Farmed)
Bass (Farmed) Prices start from: £12.00
Dicentrarchus labrax

Bass (Farmed)
Mackerel Prices start from: £14.00
Scomber scombus

Sardines Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Sardina pilchardus

Plaice Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Pleuronectes platessa

Megrim Sole Prices start from: £12.00
Lepidorhumbus whiffiagonis

Megrim Sole
Witch Sole Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus

Witch Sole
Gurnard Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Triglidae family

Sand Sole Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Pegusa lascaris

Sand Sole
Bones for Stock Prices start from: £2.00
Prime fish bones

Bones for Stock
Cod Fillets Prices start from: £5.60
Gadhus morhua

Cod Fillets
Cod Loin Prices start from: £6.50
Gadhus morhua

Cod Loin
Haddock Fillet Prices start from: £5.00
Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Haddock Fillet
Hake Fillets Prices start from: £5.60
Merluccius merluccius

Hake Fillets
Hake Loin Prices start from: £7.20
Merluccius merluccius

Hake Loin
Hake Steaks Prices start from: £7.00
Merluccius merluccius

Hake Steaks
Halibut Fillet Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Hippoglossus hippoglosus

Halibut Fillet
Monkfish Fillet Prices start from: £7.60
Lophius piscatorius

Monkfish Fillet
Monkfish Chunks Prices start from: £7.20
Lophius piscatorius

Monkfish Chunks
Monkfish on the bone Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Lophius piscatorius

Monkfish on the bone
Pollack Fillet Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Pollachius pollachius

Pollack Fillet
Cornish BlueFin Tuna Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Thunnus thynnus

Cornish BlueFin Tuna
Yellowfin Tuna Loins Prices start from: £8.50
Thunnus albacares

Yellowfin Tuna Loins
Swordfish Prices start from: £7.50
Xiphias gladius

Skate Prices start from: £5.50
Rajidae family

Bass Fillets (Farmed) Prices start from: £5.00
Dicentrarchus labrax

Bass Fillets (Farmed)
Bream Fillets (farmed) Prices start from: £5.00
Sparus aurata

Bream Fillets (farmed)
Fish Pie Selection Prices start from: £4.00
Skinless & boneless chunks

Fish Pie Selection
Rock Salmon Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Rock Salmon / Huss

Rock Salmon
WesterRoss Salmon Fillets Prices start from: £5.60
Salmo Salar

WesterRoss Salmon Fillets
Whole Salmon Prices start from: £60.00
Salmo salar

Whole Salmon
Chalkstream Trout Prices start from: £5.00
Oncorhynchus mykiss

Chalkstream Trout
Salmon Heads Prices start from: £2.00
'Collar On'

Salmon Heads
Cuttlefish Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Sepia officinalis

Whole Squid Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Loligo vulgaris

Whole Squid
Octopus - Fresh Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Octopus vulgaris

Octopus - Fresh
Prepared Squid Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Loligo vulgaris

Prepared Squid
Manx Kippers Prices start from: £0.00 per kg

Manx Kippers
Kippers - Moxons Prices start from: £3.00
Smoked over beechwood

Kippers - Moxons
Smoked Haddock Prices start from: £3.80
Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Smoked Haddock
Salt Cod Prices start from: £13.00
Gadus morhua

Salt Cod
Sashimi Grade Tuna Loin Prices start from: £8.50
Sashimi Grade Tuna Loin
Ama Ebi Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Ama Ebi
Salmon for sashimi Prices start from: £6.00
Salmon for sashimi
Sesame Coated Tuna Steak Prices start from: £10.00
Sesame Coated Tuna Steak
Surf Clams Prices start from: £6.00
Surf Clams
Hamachi Prices start from: £0.00 per kg
Unagi Kabayaki Prices start from: £15.00
Unagi Kabayaki
Chalkstream Trout for Sashimi Prices start from: £6.00
Chalkstream Trout for Sashimi