Merluccius merluccius

Hake Steaks

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Cut from the larger hake, our hake steaks are 'on the bone' and full of flavour. If you're not comfortable with bones, fillets may be a better option, but if you like the added flavour of cooking fish on the bone, these will not disappoint.

Cooking fish on the bone takes a little longer than cooking fillets, but the bone keeps the flesh moist and enhances the flavour

Mitch Tonks created a simple yet delicious recipe for hake with sweet garlic and olive oil. We like to use rapeseed oil, as it doesn't burn if the temperature gets a little hot, but we follow his recipe in every other detail

Heat the oil until medium / hot. Season the hake with sea salt and cracked pepper and place in pan for 3-4 mins, add some thinly sliced garlic and turn down the heat to prevent the garlic from burning

Turn the fish and cook for another 3 minutes or so, ensure the garlic doesn't burn, then remove the hake from the pan.

Add some olive oil to the pan, a little lemon juice, chopped parsley and season to taste. Drizzle over the hake steaks and serve